Coaching & Mentoring
Helping families create deep and meaningful connections.
Private Mentoring
As an entrepreneur, finding the right teacher and mentor who has been where you want to go is the most effective way to achieve your desired outcome. Jim Sheils is available for 1 on 1 private mentoring on a limited basis. Whether uncertain of where to begin or if you would like an advanced, personal guide to the Life Matrix and other tools to achieve deeper connection, contact Jim and Jamie about a private mentoring structure that meets you where you are today and brings you quickly to where you want to be. Their expertise and practical 18 Summers structure have proven itself time and time again.
Team Consulting
Teams that implement the 18 Summers tools and practices in their homes frequently report that the work team experiences a boost in productivity, morale, and overall efficiency. Just as as in their homes, trust, communication, and loyalty rise exponentially as a result of Jim’s work. When we prioritize our homes, the work environment improves dramatically.
“Jim and Family Board Meetings has the best actions and principles I have ever seen for entrepreneurs with family. By building rhythms into our week, we now have more time, more connected conversations and a relationship that is beyond what I ever thought possible. My family life is richer than I could have ever dreamed.”
- Rick Sapio, CEO, Mutual Capital Alliance
“They’ve truly transformed lives. In this environment today, I couldn’t think of anyone better to speak…their takeaways and tools are incredibly helpful.”
- Caryn Saitz, Founder, MastermindX